Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Little Setback

Oy vey! What a week!

This will be a short post as I am typing with one hand. As I was riding my 35 miles last Friday I started to experience some numbness and shooting pain in my right hand/elbow. I powered through it and decided to take Saturday off to give my arms a little break. Well, Sunday came and went and I was still having quite some pain in my elbow so I decided I'd go see the doctor Monday morning. I was a bit concerned as I had been training for five weeks and hadn't experienced any pain so I wanted to get on top of whatever it was that was going on. 

Here is what happened:  A couple of weeks ago I brought my road bike home and decided to use the seat measurements to fit my spin bike so I would be used to the saddle position when it was time to get outside. Not such a great idea because I didn't adjust my handle bar position and the impact ended up causing me to strain my elbows. Long story short:  I had a build up of fluid on my right elbow which put me in a brace. No riding for 48 hours, I was told. To make matters worse, silly stubborn me decides I'm feeling much better Tuesday so I attempt to ride and after mile #5 I am in terrible pain. Back to the doc on Wednesday morning and because of my unwillingness to follow direction I had to have a huge needle stuck in my elbow to remove the fluid. Back in the brace I go. Lovely!

So I have been banned from the bike until Monday - a few more days of rest and I should be good to go. I have refitted my seat position back to where it was weeks 1 through 5 and will happily await my road bike fit until I'm actually on my road bike!

My apologies to those of you who were looking for my post yesterday. My fingers will be flying again next week so I hope you'll come back then.

1 comment:

  1. Cj, you crack me up! Stubborn little you! sending you an email via facebook.
